Saturday, August 28, 2010


[Few summers ago]
[Air Hostess]: Mr. Mangalore, you have ordered a vegetarian meal?
[I]: < I have to tick 'non-vegetarian' next time onwards >. No, I didn't give any preferences. Probably, agent must have ticked wrongly. I would like to have something from the menu.
[Few summers later]
[Air Hostess]: Mr. Mangalore, you have ordered the Hindu meal?
[I]: < What's this non-sense? Why the agent had to change my non-preference to vegetarian preference > No, I didn't order for Hindu meal. I'm not sure how it happened. I would like to chose from your menu.
[Last winter]
[Air Hostess]: Mr. Mangalore, you have ordered the Hindu meal?
[I]: < What is going on here >. I'm sure that must be a mistake. I didn't give any choices. Do you have something else.
[Air Hostess]: Sorry, Sir. You have only vegetarian selection. Would you prefer that instead of the Hindu meal?
[I]: < What difference will that make? Why these fadists want to force their identity to the majority? > Okay, I'll have the Hindu meal.
[Hindu meal was delivered. It was a non-vegetarian meal]
[I]: < Did they make a mistake? Who cares? >
[Few days back ]
[Air Hostess]: Mr. Vadiarillat, you have ordered the Hindu meal?
[I]: < I stared at her face thinking what to say >
[Air Hostess]: Hindu meal, it's a non-vegetarian meal
[I]: Yes, I know. I'll have it.

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