Monday, May 6, 2019

Bear Capture

We, a group of friends, decided to capture a bear. The strategy was discussed and we set out towards the location. The location turned out to be a flowing river. The current was strong. We wondered whether to jump into the river to capture the bear or wait for it to come out. Before we could conclude we saw a head rising above the water. It looked like a bear. We immediately dragged it towards one of the banks. One of us delivered a blow on the ear on one of the sides. I saw the ear getting flattened and sinking to the head. Another one struck the leg on the same side. The leg too was flattened and pressed to the body. We turned the bear and repeated the same thing to the other ear and the leg. The bear fell like a frozen block. I didn’t know whether it was dead or alive.


  1. Manju, you're not sleeping well these days, I suppose. By the way, was I with you in this dream?

  2. These are the early morning dreams that I can recall(to certain extent I suppose). Yes, I get these dreams in truncated sleep :-).

    I don't remember the others in the group. This was a bit violent dream and not sure why I dreamt it in the first place.
